Rediscover The Power of Feminine Energy

There is an unspoken power about the feminine energy, but we seem to ignore them more and more these days. (Now, lads, it may not seem so, but this concerns you too)
In a world where #GirlPower breeds empowerment to the female species, while #Metoo raises another very distinct appetite to the subject — most of us in between are unsure where we stand. Are we supposed to honour the fight for equality and stand our ground as capable and strong women, or can we appreciate our innate qualities that make us softer and sweeter by nature? And when did the traits we inherently possessed as women, go from powerful to vulnerable?
In ancient Chinese philosophy, yin and yang describes the perfect duality that exists within the Universe and within each of us. While yin references the female and yang the male, it is said that people of all genders can have any combination of feminine and masculine traits.
The masculine ‘yang’ energy manifests itself through traits like independence, focus, discipline, drive, confidence and assertiveness, while the feminine energy ‘yin’ manifests itself through traits like patience, surrender, nurture, intuition, connection, empathy and emotion.
Nowadays, it seems that the fire within which we were able to channel our feminine energy has been subsided by the new era of enforcing equality, and the traits we celebrate and empower most in today’s society, is dominantly in the masculine yang. So what happened to the powerful and all-encompassing feminine energy, and how can we reconnect with it?
Many people in society reject the labels of masculine and feminine, believing they are outdated and sexist, while others cling to binary gender roles as a blueprint for life. And while I agree that every human being; regardless of sex, gender, age, or race, is entitled to equal rights and deserves to be treated by the same quality standards — I also believe that there is something to be said about honouring the differences that make us each inherently unique and different.
And if we are more feminine by nature and block our feminine traits in order to compete in the patriarchal society, have we sacrificed our most innate power?
Sacred Slow Moments
The feminine in all of us craves to embrace the beauty of every moment. We are intuitive and connected to our surroundings, our bodies, our time. Harness your femininity in these sacred slow moments, where you choose to indulge instead of consume, where you choose to question instead of insist, where you choose to observe instead of criticize. The ‘Yin’ is nurturing and soft, and in these scared moments of being in tune with the flow of life, you’ll discover new senses awakening.
Hips Don’t Lie
Anything that expresses your flow is bound to the feminine energy. Sexual, creative and spiritual activity can also find more flow as we dance and move our hips. The tension between activity and stillness is necessary for the survival of any being, so be mindful in moving slow and maintain a harmonic balance. Moving your hips is also believed to ignite your wild, root-chakra energy which helps the kundalini life-force energy move upward, igniting divine inspiration. Well then, Shakira was onto something!
Be-YOU-tiful Rituals
Make time for rituals that make you feel beautiful, not just physically, but mentally and emotionally as well. Whether this means squeezing in self-care days into your busy schedule, taking up a course that reconnects you with a long-lost passion, or even doing small tasks with love and intention, find the rituals that reconnect to your beautiful feminine soul. You can even start slowly through self-love affirmations in the mirror.
Somewhere along the way, it seems that women started to believe that in order to be seen as an equal, we had to become more like men. Now we are realizing, the true strength we’ve possessed, was in us all along. By embracing our inner feminine energy, we not only draw in the opposite force and become even more desirable to be around, but we are able to find more comfort within our skin. This is equally the case for men, who felt that in order to be seen as the alpha, their feminine side had to be suppressed. Everything in life exists in a perfect duality, and it’s up to us to celebrate every side of who we are.