How to Manifest Mindful Transformation in 2021

“The butterfly said to the sun, “They can’t stop talking about my transformation. I can only do it once in my lifetime. If only they knew, they can do it at any time and in countless ways.” — Dodinsky
There is a VITAL step between self-awareness and self-transformation that is essential to manifesting the life we’ve always dreamt of. It’s just as direct as going from a ‘human BEING’ to a ‘human DOING’. But this is where most of us get stuck. Where most of us give up, huffing and puffing half-way into our journey. The ‘doing’ part.
And as I think of all the moments where I stood in my own way of transformation — I can’t help but wonder; was my self-awareness, self-sabotaging me? It seems the more ‘aware’ and certain we are of ourselves, the less room we have to grow. But that’s just it, we never stop growing.
They say nothing in life comes easy, but for the butterfly, its genetically innate transformation surely seems like it does. So why wasn’t it in our nature to evolve so seamlessly?
The secret to our transformation may not be biological like the butterfly, but we do have the means to endlessly evolve and become better, wiser, stronger, through each new metamorphosis of our thoughts. This is not just spiritual. It’s science! Neuroscience reveals that the social nature of the brain is maneuverable– which basically means that we have the ability to change our thoughts, our actions, and our cognition with our own efforts.
Until recently, we weren’t really able to understand the true depths of the brain, or most importantly, of the mind. But through neuroplasticity; the brain’s ability to form new connections and pathways and change how its circuits are wired, we’ve realized the answer was within us all along: We don’t need to prompt transformation. We are already wired to transform. Whether that transformation is positive, or negative, is entirely up to you and the decisions you make.
Habits For A Mindful Transformation:
- Be at peace with yourself. Your body, your mind, your lifestyle. We all want to do better, be better, look better — but the first step to positive transformation, is to be at peace with where you are now. There is always, and always will be, room for growth. A finish line in life, doesn’t exist.
- Be in tune with yourself. What is it you want at the end of this transformation? Who do you want to become, how do you want to feel? Understanding the underlying reasons for transformation will create a clearer and more approachable path.
- Be willing to adapt. The journey to transformation is hardly ever a straight line. There are moments you will feel committed, and other moments of complete denial. With situations and circumstances that surround us, it’s OK to change directions, take a step back, and replan your course.
- Be intentional in your actions. Whether your goal is to drink more water, establish a financial goal, or strive towards a personal milestone, every big action needs to be made up of smaller intentional actions, like enjoy every sip of water with the underlying intent to hydrate your body. Living with intention brings a new meaning to your journey.