Vows, for you.

Just like the moon shines wildly every night to fill up the sky,
I wait for every new day to light up your heart with my sun
It’s not about what I need that makes me crave you
It is that I don’t know any other way, running back to you every chance
I get, like the ocean sprints back to meet the shore, pulling every molecule
Its way and collapsing right back to its core.
It’s not something tangible or definite that could outline the way I feel
about everything and every part of who you are — just that there is nothing
I admired, and cherished, more than knowing that I could make you happy.
We never know of ourselves as someone extraordinary, but I need to tell you that you are.
You’re a home. It takes many broken vases to turn a house into a home.
It takes time and labour and laughter and heartbreak. But you conquered it all.